Science and Heritage Fair

This year, we will be hosting a joint Science/Heritage Fair. Please find the link to the registration forms below. The form must be fully completed (please ensure that all information is indicated on the form, ie: full name, teacher’s name, title of project, etc.) and returned to school by Friday, January 26th for your child to participate in the fair.
The Heritage Fair is a multi-media program designed to increase awareness and interest in Canadian history. It is like the traditional Science Fair. The projects are centered on topics in social studies, language arts, math and science, technical studies, music, and art but must be based on some aspect of Canadian history. The students can use a variety of media to present their topic.
The Science Fair exhibits should illustrate original scientific research, a scientific principle, process, application, technique, collections, or inventions. Areas of investigation could be, but are not limited to, plant growth studies, animal observation studies, product testing, energy studies, inventions, psychology or the physical world.
The Agnes Davidson Science/Heritage Fair will be held from March 4th to 7th during which both the science and heritage projects will be on display at the school. Judging will occur on March 6th. Students who choose to participate in the fairs will be given a handout of rules and guidelines. Participation in both the Science Fair and the Heritage Fair is optional for students in Grades K-5. Dates for the 2024 Regional Science (Sci-Fusion) Fair have not been released.
Please have the FORMS returned to the school by Friday, January 26th.