Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring


Bussing Information

Transportation Information

Alberta Education states in the School Act students living beyond 1.0 kilometres (Grades K-5) are, by the most direct route from their boundary school, or designated Division programs located in specific schools, funded for transportation.

The Division provides busing service to students enrolled in Kindergarten to Grade 12 who are eligible for transportation.

For eligible Grade K to Grade 12 students, the Division provides busing to school in the morning and from school after dismissal.

Please check out the links below.

My Bus Stop App: MyBusStop app | Lethbridge School Division (lethsd.ab.ca)

School Code: 

The code for AD is 23O3G3PMU6

Letter O not a zero

Bus Routes: Bus Routes | Lethbridge School Division (lethsd.ab.ca)