Lethbridge organization that offer many French opportunities for students and families, including camps.
2104 6th Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB T1J1C3
Phone #403-328-8506
They offer a variety of French concerts, cultural activities, summer camps, French classes, etc. For more info please click here: www.acfa.ca
2104 6th Avenue South
Lethbridge, AB
Phone # 403-388-2921
A part of the Chinook Arch library, come to La Médiathèque to borrow a large variety of books and programs for children and adults. All you need is your library card. You can also check out their website: http://www.mfem.ca/
We are a national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada and which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French-second-language learning opportunities for Canadians. Loads of helpful resources found at
http://www.cpfalta.ab.ca OR http://cpf.ca.
CPF offers parent French language classes and offers many opportunities in schools to promote the French culture and language. For Lethbridge CPF chapter information please contact cpf-lethbridge@hotmail.com or view their facebook page at "CPF Lethbridge".
French immersion schools in Lethbridge School District 51
École Agnes Davidson School
Phone: (403) 328-5153
Fax: (403) 320-1912
E-mail: davidson@lethsd.ab.ca
Address: 2103 20th St South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 2G7
Offering Kindergarten to Grade 2: All subjects taught in FrenchGrade 2 to 5: All subjects taught in French + 1 hour/day English language Arts

Gilbert Paterson Middle School
Phone: (403) 329-0125
Fax: (403) 320-8418
E-mail: paterson@lethsd.ab.ca
Address: 2109 12th Ave South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 0P1
Offering Grades 6-8: Four core subjects taught in French (French Language Arts, Social, Science and Math)

Lethbridge Collegiate Institute High School
Phone: (403) 328-9606
Fax: (403) 328-9979
E-mail: lci@lethsd.ab.ca
Address: 1701 5th Ave South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0W4
Offering Grade 9: Four core subjects (French Language Arts, Social, Science and Math)Offering Grade 10-12: Two core subjects (French Language Arts and Social)Upon grade 12 graduation, French immersion students receive a bilingual certificateDELF exams are also offered for our students to assess their French language competencies with world-wide standards and accreditation.
Any questions or comments, please contact us!