2023-2024 School Year

The school office will be open to the public on Wednesday, August 23rd but is closed on Friday August 25th for Professional Learning. There is limited access to the school office on Friday September 1st for Professional Learning as well.
We will have a staggered entry for students in Grades 1-5.
Students with last names L-Z we will see on Tuesday, September 5
Students with last names A-K we will see on Wednesday, September 6
We will see all the students on Thursday, September 7
Staggered Entry 2023-2024 | École Agnes Davidson (lethsd.ab.ca)
We will meet all the students and families out in the back of the school yard where teachers will be waiting. On Thursday, Sept. 7th , students can line up at their designated doors.
Bells times will remain very close the same next year.
Welcome Bell at 8:40am with school starting at 8:45am
Lunch will be from 12:00-12:45 with about 20 minutes of eating and 25 minutes of play time
The end of the day will be 3:45 (12:45 on Fridays and half days)
Students will also have two other 14-minute recesses throughout the day.
Teachers will be reaching out to families via email on Friday September 1st to let them know of their placement for the school year. Please do not reach out to the school before this date with inquiries regarding student placements.
We will be continuing with school supplies as we have done for this school year. The school has ordered bulk supplies, there will then be a $40 charge to parents in the fall. This is the second year of this process; we will be re-evaluating the cost savings of this in the spring to determine how we proceed for the next school year.
Meet the Teacher night will be on Thursday, September 7 @ 7pm
The first School Council meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, September 12 @7pm. This will be the Annual General Meeting where the new executive will be elected. I will be sending much more information closer to the date.
The staff at École Agnes Davidson wish you a fun filled summer. If you are returning to us in the fall, we look forward to seeing you then. If you are moving on to other adventures, we wish you the best of luck.