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2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration
2023/2024 French Kindergarten Registration

2023/2024 French Kindergarten Registration

Registrations for 2023/2024 will be opening January 23rd at 8:15 am.

2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration Package

Registration can be delivered in person or emailed to davidson@lethsd.ab.ca  on January 23rd, starting at 8:15 am. No early registrations will be considered as program placement is on a  first come first served basis. Confirmation of your child's placement will be provided late spring. 

Other Important Forms:

Out of Boundary Application for Admission. Only used if you live outside of the Lethbridge City Limits. Kinder Out of Bounds

No Birth Certificate? Birth Certificate Letter of Intent

Child Care available for École Agnes Davidson families:  

Kinder Club

Kinder Club is a licensed and accredited out of school care program for Kindergarten Students attending École Agnes Davidson School. It is operated by the Boys and Girls Club of Lethbridge and District. The program operates in its own building within the school grounds. Phone 403 327-6423 for further information and a registration package.


Thank you for your interest in École Agnes Davidson School

2023/2024 Grades 1 - 5 (New to Ecole Agnes Davidson School)


New Students to École Agnes Davidson School (For Grades 1-5 Registration) 

Find the link to the new student registration form here: (Registrations Package coming soon)

New families! Welcome. Click HERE for start up information. (Coming soon)

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