Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Lunch On The Go


Lunch-on-the-Go (LOTG)

Welcome to all new and returning parents.  School Council is excited to offer monthly Lunch On the Go (LOTG) to our students.  This is a great way to take a break from all the school lunch preparations. This program also provides a small fundraiser for the school council. The process for LOTG will work as follows:

1. Register for School Cash Online

This step is done once and will be good for the student’s entire career in Lethbridge School Division.

Once registered you will conveniently receive email reminders from School Cash Online to place your orders.

2. Place your LOTG order on the School Cash Online site. This is the ONLY way to place an order.

All the LOTG items will be on the site soon and they are listed separately with date, vendor, items included, and any options that are available. Items can be ordered all at once or on an individual basis whichever is more convenient for your family. You will get an email confirmation from School Cash Online after you place your order. No refunds are possible once the ordered is confirmed on the site. When possible we have made an attempt to make items available for those who have special dietary needs.

If your child is away on LOTG day you need to make arrangements to have the lunch picked-up at lunchtime or it will be given to another child who does not have a lunch. If you receive an email reminder that there is a lunch available to purchase, this means you have not yet ordered that specified LOTG item. After the deadline, no more items may be ordered, as the system will not allow it.


Our LOTG team works with a variety of vendors, and when possible we offer choices and consider dietary needs. Any questions you have about specific options/ingredients can be sent to our email, or by contacting the vendor directly.

Any further questions,  please email: lotg@adcouncil.ca

Donated Lunches

When you order a lunch for your child, you also have the option to purchase a lunch for a student who is in need. School administrators work with families to determine this in advance. If for any reason we have more donated lunches purchased them we can use, we use the funds to purchase extra lunches for future use. Any surplus funds at the end of the year are used in the same way any profits from LOTG-which is decided by school council in supporting the requests of the school.


LOTG committee

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: At times we require parent volunteers to distribute or serve lunch. If you are available and would like to help for an hour please send us your contact info.

School Council provides parents with a great way to meet other parents and get to know teachers and staff. We really encourage you to participate in events, as it can be a lot of fun!

LOTG Dates for the 2022 and 2023 school year:

Edo Japan: Tuesday October 18 

Little Caesars: Thursday November 17El Greco: Thursday December 15Panago Pizza: Tuesday January 17Chef Stella: Thursday February16Cora Breakfast: Tuesday March 14Sonora: Thursday  April 27Bootsma Bakery: Thursday May 18Aoowahsin Catering and Teddi Cakes: Wednesday June 21